Köprü Anasayfa

Türkiye'nin Demokrasi Süreci

"Güz 2008" 104. Sayı

  • The Democracy Process of Turkey


    In the previous edition which we discussed the “the democracy process of Turkey” we mentioned about the original comments of Bediuzzaman about constitutional monarchy-republic, democracy and freedom concepts and we searched answers to the following questions: “What is constitutional monarchy, republic and democracy concepts? What is the main problems of Turkey’s democracy and its breaking points? What is the relation between Islam and democracy? What is Bediuzzaman’s view about constitution, democratic state governed by the rule of law, equality, justice and freedom? What is the relation between civil society and democracy in terms of political science?

    One of our main point of origin was our awareness about the lack of acknowledge about the concepts, although the argumentations about republic (constitution), democracy and freedom date back to one hundred and fifty years in our political culture. Doubtless, in a single volume, it is not possible to solve and discuss all the problems which are coming from a deficient democracy movement according to the individual, social, economic and political parameters of last hundred and fifty years process. For that reason, after the previous edition which was a wish for a Turkey surrounded by democracy, justice, freedom, peace and humanely values, we decided to discuss the same subject in our 104th volume. As Kopru Magazine, considering the recent hard days on democracy path, for attracting attentions again and again to the democracy concept and Bediuzzaman example, we contunied to discuss the subject in the light of the following notions: “Constitution, republic, democracy, democratisation, freedom, statism, authoritarianism, rule of law, human rights, justice, European Union, civil society”.

    In this volume, generally, you will find the following subjects on the magazine: “The features of modern-freedomist democracy, the contribution of Said Nursi to the democracy idea and his views on these subjects, the meaning of Munazarat which is a hundred years democracy manifest, the true point of view of democratic and laicist state to the religion and the role of judgement in democracy process. There will be also unrelated articles from the cover in this volume. We hope to make a positive contribution to the democratisation process with this volume.

    While we are leaving you alone with our magazine, we hope to be with you in the incoming volume with the “Constitution” cover.